Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Modern digital media helps in school

Role of Digital media in schools
Based on:
As modern digital media is still advancing today, it has become a great merit to those who are still learning. Especially, digital media these days are frequently used as a medium to convey knowledge to students. As prove, the article in the website stated above will tell you guys more about it. I will tell the important points that summarizes the whole thing.
  • Students are now more frequently asked to do work through online platforms.
  • Digital media is fully utilised to maximize students' experience.
  • Students can share their experiences through digital medias like the internet through blogging or tweeting.
  • Through these digital medias, various oppurtunities can be presented.
Through this, we can say that the digital media has made education evolved even further and has become more reliable these days.So, it's highly reccomendable for people to start becoming more conscious of the digital medias as they can be more of a help than what you think.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jin Mo Ri vs Park il Pyo

Based on previous chapters when Park Il Pyo fought Jin Mo Ri in the Semi-finals, Jin Mo Ri was easily defeated once Park il Pyo used his charyeok. But now, Jin has a new move called limiter removal which raises his strength deliberately. So now, Who's STRONGER!?

The Ninetails Guardian        vs   

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Modern Technology helps people

Modern technology helps people

Based on:

I have read this article and wanted to ask others on their opinions on this. So, I wrote some points about it:

  1. The article states how modern communication technology helps Korean people.
  2. It's pushed South Korea's communication power to the limits.
  3. The web portals helps to provide funding and support for online communities or groups to meet in person.
  4. It helps to allow users with similar minds to communicate with one another as stated by Choi Min-su, the operator of Naver community Music Band Association for Office Workers.
  5. The Music Band Association has 2,650 members who are divided into teams by which song or disscussions are done through a personal website.
  6. Social Networking services such as Facebook allows people to develop relationships.
Based on this, can you truly say modern technology benefits all of us because I think so since I've experienced it myself.